Colored Pencils

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Prismacolor Premiere colored pencils

These are more expensive than your usual colored pencils, but they work so well. They’re very soft and the color payoff is great. If you exclusively do pencil portraits, these are definitely for you.

Brand: Prismacolor
Price: HUF / ~ USD 
Link: –

☆ Prismacolor photos ⋁
★ Prismacolor colors ⋁

Herlitz colored pencils

I have a 24 pack of these natural wood colored pencils. They were pretty cheap but work week for my more simple marker illustrations for the outlines and some small details.

Brand: Herlitz
From: OfficeDepot (local stationery/office supply shop in Hungary)
Price: 1999 HUF / ~ 5.71 USD 

☆ Herlitz photos ⋁

★ Herlitz colors ⋁

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